Strong Bones … the rest of the story!


I was reading an article in a big magazine by a nutritionist.  And I was shocked by two things.  I’ll get to that.  First a nutshell of the article.

“Should I try the alkaline diet?”  Alkaline diet.  By the way, this means just eating more fruits and veggies.  Limiting meat, skipping dairy, sweets, alcohol and caffeine.  Banishing processed foods.  ALL GOOD STUFF.  You could also call this …


So really no magic there.  No need for the word “diet”.  “alkaline diet”, “clean eating”, “eat like it was 100 years ago”.

So her conclusion was that maybe it’s not a “healthy” move, as there really isn’t “scientific evidence” that eating more fruits and veggies, A.K.A, an “alkaline diet” is good for you.   Even though … we all know that grandma was right.  Eat your fruits and veggies.  An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Point #1:  PLEASE don’t get hung up on the word “alkaline” and needing “scientific” evidence or proof that it words.  YOU KNOW IT WORKS.  There is no money in proving it, so you probably won’t see much proof.  Especially if it decreases sales of …. I digress.

Back to the article for point number 2.  “The Theory behind it is that our Western diet (rich with saturated fat, simple sugars and sodium and lacking in potassium, magnesium and fiber) produces acid, driving your body’s pH down slightly, making it more acidic.  So the thinking goes that having an acidic pH fuels chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease and obesity and promotes aliments like bloating and chronic fatigue.  Eating a diet makes makes your body more alkaline staves off those health problems.  Nice theory.  The reality is that your body, especially your kidneys and lungs, maintains a steady pH regardless of what you eat.”  Then goes on to talk about “another rub” where it’s not intuitive to understand that while a lemon might sound acidic forming, it’s really not because it’s actually the metabolic waste that we are talking about, not the food themselves.


Yes your kidneys and lungs are a big part of pH balance.  Ask yourself this question.  Where do the kidneys and lungs get the micronutrients to accomplish this task.  If you are eating REALLY CRAPPY, it certainly is a big TASK for your body to do.

It’s CRITICAL, this balance of pH levels.  Your blood pH has to be spot on, if not, you D I E.  So …. I’ll just get to point #2.

Point #2:  Your BONES are the biggest reserve for alkaline components that your body uses to maintain ever important pH levels.  Your kidneys and lungs might do the job.  If you are not suppling your body with the appropriate nutrients ON A DAILY BASIS, it will take the reserves from your


Which can lead to a whole slew of issues related to bone health.  You might not need more calcium pills.  Maybe just some fruits and veggies with less soda.  It’s simple science, chemistry 101.  Common sense.  You don’t need fancy words.  And do you need scientific evidence?

Eat more fruits and veggies.  Because it’s not like there is any negative side affects.

Well, you might poo more.

And have clearer skin.

And smell better.

And be stronger, healthier, calmer.

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