Workout recovery with walnuts

Walnuts help you recover from intense workouts!

We all know that working out (intensely) can be very stressful.  And while working out is a good “stressor”, we still need to be mindful of helping the body to recover.  When we are speaking of foods to help us recover, we are talking about providing the body with macro nutrients (calories, fats, proteins, etc) AND MIRCO NUTRIENTS (vitamins a, b, c …. etc).  These micro nutrients are crazy important.  For this article we are focusing on antioxidants.

All forms of stress increase production of free radicals, a metabolic by-product of the body from utilizing fuel to create energy.  These charged atomic particles bounce around your system causing little sparks of damage.  Antioxidants neutralize these micro invaders.

Nutrition Journal – January 2014, has shown that consuming walnuts is an effective way of reducing this oxidative stress.

Walnuts contain nutrients that help reduce the stress caused by intense workouts.  This means that you will be able to recovery faster, leading to faster repair of lean muscle.  Feeding your body in this way allows you to safely trainer harder and more frequently.

Walnuts are slower to digest.  My suggestion is to eat 1 to 2 ounces at night.  In addition to being very high in antioxidants, they are stellar for the brain, have beneficial fats and are a nice CLEAN source of protein.

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