Here are some strategies to employ when you are traveling, during the holidays or otherwise super BUSY!
- Fill up first: A smoothie, a large salad, a hearty soup all good ways to curb hunger and sugar cravings
- -This is a duh, but knowing science behind it might help. Empty stomach>ghrelin>appetite stimulated>as stomach fills up, ghrelin drops>appetite wanes.
- -Also food in stomach>nerves that monitor pressure in your stomach>also send signals to brain that you are full
- Easier to decline foods and/or choose healthier foods when hunger isn’t knocking
- Pack healthy snacks and alternatives: Kind Bars, Lara Bars, nuts, dried fruit, protein snack packs at the gas station
- Be sure to fill up with nutrient dense foods
- smoothie, soup or salad
- We’ve gone over the importance of these foods a lot, but just a quick reminder, if you don’t have enough nutrients in your bloodstream: glucose, fats, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, etc. then your body will still want to eat. Why eating something like crackers beforehand isn’t a great idea (protein, fats, carbs
- Make a commitment to yourself to continue food tracking, even while at the event/holiday/busy. Even notes on a piece of paper will do the trick.
- Write a post it note about your goal and stick it up somewhere you can see it.
- Wait for all the food to be on table before choosing– make your choices all at once and you will eat about 14 percent less
- If at the party/meal, start by loading your plate with the good stuff, round 1 nutrient dense, fiber filled food
- When ordering … make healthy choices when you can
- Sit and eat, instead of standing. Distance yourself from the grazing table (Laura story)
- Put fork down between bites
- Chew Thoroughly
- -this has scientific merit.
- -It gives the hormones cholecystokinin and leptin a chance to start working. CKK is released by the small intestine and pancreas, makes eating more seem less appealing
- -leptin, secreted by your fat cells, helps balance out ghrelin
- Really think about/savor your meal. Where did it come from, how did it get here? Farmers, shipping, grocery store, preparation, etC
- If potluck type, be sure your dish is the main one you plan on eating, so make it count 🙂
- Use smaller plates if available
- Leave visual evidence of what you’ve consumed, (empty plates and wine glasses/beer bottles make it less tempting to have more), well for some people
- If food still on plate, cover with a napkin – not tempted to nibble at it even after you’re full
- Alternate cocktails with a 1:1 water ratio
- Food pushers– three bites. The first bite is the best, the last bite is the grand finale, and everything in between is more or less the same. In 3 bites you get the full experience
- Be picky with your indulgences– don’t waste calories on something you can have at anytime, if you’re going to indulge, pick something that is special and unique to the season
- Ride the wave
- Accept the treat. No need to eat it right away, take it home
- Keep healthy snacks at work (that you like) with you (car, purse, whatever)
- Keep goodies out of view
- Get enough sleep (keep hormones ghrelin and leptin regulated)
- Eat breakfast (keep glucose levels balanced with a macro-balanced meal)
- Walk after a meal (helps clear glucose out of bloodstream)
- Keep up on your supplements and routines as much as possible