How “obstacles” leads to Resilience

What if I told you that “obstacles and how you handle them leads to RESILIENCE? 💥💯👊🏻

What are “obstacles”. Things that get in the way. Duh. Coach BK. For example, my spouse isn’t supportive, my job is too hectic, I focus on my kids too much, I don’t make my workouts a priority, I don’t make me a priority. I self sabatage. I don’t play very well. I procrastinate because I don’t really want to work hard. I procrastinate because I don’t want to catch up on all that I lost. I just don’t want to. I am tired. I didn’t sleep well. I can’t get to the gym.

Are there two different kinds of obstacles. Excuses and legitimate things that get in the way that we really didn’t create ourselves.

EXCUSES and BS stuff … like not planning and packing our things when we watched 3 episodes of the 100.

LEGIT things …. like the weather and the pool schedule. Or our spouse not helping when I’m doing my part.

If you want to hit the EXCUSES and BS HEAD ON, continue to read on.

  • Look at it. Write it down. And ask yourself. WHY. Why didn’t I do that. And don’t take “I don’t know” for an answer. Ask enough and strong enough until you get a heart felt answer. That might come with a long sigh, tear, a curse word or head down kind of reaction. Truth.
  • Write that down. Without negative words or thoughts. Just write it down.
  • Then look at it in a loving and honest way, like you were trying to figure out why the faucet leaked, very objective without a lot of emotions. Problem solve why. Without judgement. “My job is really stressful and how I’m responding to the stress is stealing all my energy.” “The lack of support from my spouse makes me sad and causes me to throw a mild pity party.” “I have too much on my plate and I just don’t have the energy.” “I have too much on my plate and I’m making a big deal out of it all and thats taking up too much of my energy.” “I am not good enough to prioritize to put me first, if I’m not important, why would I come first, or 2nd or …”

The LEGIT obstacles you have to be creative and kinda reasonable.

For this group of obstacles, health conditions, logistically things, injuries, adulting duties … you have to figure out how bad to you want your goal. Is the juice worth the squeeze and if there is a way to adjust fire. For example, can I do swim strength workouts instead of swimming in a pool because the pool schedule is really unreasonable and gets in the way of family time.


  1. Awareness is key. KING.
  2. Writing it down somehow is QUEEN.
  3. Being honest and kind. Objective and real.
  4. Breath into it, work to take a moment, get calm and aligned with your purpose and power words if you have them
  5. Write out WHY. Ask until you get TRUTH
  6. Be kind and objective and see about adjusting fire.
  7. Work to write a different story. If it’s a EXCUSE/BS thing that is getting in the way, write out what the ROCKSTAR version of you would do and how it would feel. Write a new store. OWN IT. Practice it.
  8. If you get stuck, share with someone else THAT HAS SIMILAR GOALS OR ROLLS LIKE YOU DO OR WANT TO (clears her throat, share with your coach)
  9. Get creative and try other things if it’s a LEGIT, you don’t have a lot of control over the obstacle. Like jobs/bosses/spouses/kids.
  10. Explore. Repeat if it works. If it doesn’t try again. And then explore how to adjust a bit and try again. Do not quit.
  11. Be Patient. Let the written words sit for a day if it doesn’t come together all at once. Let your heart and soul solve some of it. Impatience can push us out of this magic.


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