Being a mom is one of the bravest jobs. You start out pregnant (or adopting) and … you kind of can be in denial for a bit until your belly grows and you have to start buying stuff you don’t know how to put together.
You quickly learn that you really don’t have a clue what you are doing. So you need to get brave real quick. Learn. Ask questions and hopefully work to get some sort of footing under you.
Giving birth is … a challenge. It can be one of the most beautiful things but it can be the most scary as well.
You can experience losing babies, things going bad, loss, grief. And in the face of that, some try again and again. Being brave.
You might have had a great mom and childhood. Or you might have not. Not to make one worse than the other, but seriously, that book … what to expect when you are expecting … it’s about 30% of what you really need to know. When you’ve come from less, being handed that infant to love, take care of, not break or otherwise …. whatever … it’s a rather large tasks that is way FREAKING OVERWHELMING.
But as a mom … if you can get 3 moments or so of … beauty … it is all ok. The hours of crying melt away when you get that moment of peace with a cheek on your breast, or a naked foot peeking out from under the covers.
They grow up. You grow up. You learn. They learn. Hopefully things go well.
Some moms have to learn more and do more. They have been given the children that need more. The book gives zero help on this stuff. This is where you have to be brave brave. Especially if you don’t have help or feel like what is around you isn’t helping and doesn’t align with you as a parent. Like when your child has learning issues or other … specialness.
Momming is super hard.
Moms leave. Moms die. Moms aren’t there. And sometimes, the child is left to learn on their own. And to become a mom of their own design. Scary stuff.
It is a hard lesson to learn that their spiritual and personal growth isn’t always up to you.
Being a good mom is important to you. You are your own worst critic. As you want so much good for your babies. You want to do it “RIGHT”. Making mistakes is tough … as you wonder if it will mess up their leaves.
Sometimes it’s with your mistakes that they learn from. And it is super hard to watch your children makes mistakes. It’s hard to leave enough room to allow them to make mistakes.
So moms go into this thing with bravery. And the desire to do the best that they can. It is so tough to have part of your heart and soul out wandering around the world. The world that is a tough place and getting tougher.
Be brave. Do the best you can. LOVE HARD.
(people … tell your mom they are awesome!)