Biking Faster: Lactate Threshold

βœ…πŸš΄β€β™€οΈβœ…FASTER BIKING SERIES PART 2β€βœ…πŸš΄β€β™€οΈβœ…
author: Coach John Hill

In part one, we discussed the benefits of increasing of VO2max numbers and why it is important to get these numbers as high as possible. Today, we will talk about the second factor to increase your average speed, lactate threshold.

Lactate threshold is the point at which lactic acid starts to accumulate in the blood faster than it can be removed, usually beginning around 85% of maximum heart rate. The advantage to the endurance athlete is that the higher our lactate threshold, the longer we can go at high intensity.

How do we raise our lactate threshold? Once again, interval training becomes or best ally; by doing intervals for 2-3 minutes at 5-7 beats above your threshold level (85% of max HR), we teach our body to clear the lactic acid faster for quicker recovery.



After a good 15 minute warm up, ride 10 minutes at 3-5 beats below your LT (Lactate threshold), recover with an easy spin for 10 minutes, then repeat 2 more circuits. Once you’re comfortable at this level do two twenty minute sets at 3-5 beats below LT then recover for 20 minutes,eventually what we are shooting for is a 30 minute effort at just below LT. This will build a strong base to increase the lactate threshold at a fairly rapid rate.

This workout combines both LT and VO2 max training to simulate the effort you need while reading on a hilly course, where you have to push beyond you lactate threshold for short bursts then recover quickly
1. Warm up for 10 minutes at a moderate pace 
2. Pick up your pace to your LT heart rate and hold that place for 5 minutes 
3. Push to 3-5 beats above LT for one to two minutes then drop back down to LT. 
Do 3 cycles for a total workout of 18- 20 minutes

🀩🀩🀩WHOOP WHOOP! πŸ€©πŸ€©πŸ€©
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