Author: Coach John Hill
Today we are going to focus on aerobic capacity, or what most of us know as the holy grail of VO2 Max. Most of us chase this one with a passion but do we really know what it Is and how to measure it
The faster you peddle, the harder you breathe. Also, the longer you peddle, the harder you breathe. And if you sustain a fast cadence long enough, you will eventually find yourself breathing as hard as you can. Exercise scientists have a special term for breathing as hard as you can: VO2max. Research has shown that VO2max accounts for roughly 70 percent of the variation in race performances among individual athletes. Thus, if you are able to ride 5K one minute faster than I can, it is likely that your VO2max is higher than mine by an amount that is sufficient to account for 42 seconds of that minute.
The best way to increase VO2 max is interval training with an all out effort for approximately 6 minutes. One could do a VO2 max workout that would Include a 10 minute warm up, Immediately followed by a 6 minute time trial then followed by a 10 minute cool down. In doing this type of quick sets the VO2max slowly but surely increased and the ability of blood to carry oxygen to the muscles.
- warm up with easy peddling ~100 watts
- every 2 minutes increase the workload ~36~50 watts
- at the lower limit of your HR target take a short break
- peddle easy for 3-5 minutes
- 2 minutes @ VO2 max intensity
- 8 minutes @ threshold intensity
- 10 minutes of easy peddling
- 2 minutes @ VO2 max Intensity
- 8 minutes @ threshold intensity
- 10 minutes of cool down
Remember to refuel immediately after the second VO2 max session, give yourself the best opportunity to recover quickly so you real the benefits of your effort.
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