
Diet, Eating, Education, Prevention

What is detox?

Detoxification is the process of removing toxic substances from a person’s body. It’s an everyday process.  Minute by minute, hour by hour.  When our body is working well, this process goes on without a hitch.

These toxins we need to get rid of aren’t just the bad crap from our processed food, etc.  It’s also from the natural side product of metabolism.  Detox shouldn’t be a mysterious word.  Toxins shouldn’t be either.  It’s just what it is.

Now you can put in LESS toxins.  You can help your body do better with daily detox.

THE LIVER.  I like to call it the aquarium filter.  It does a big job.  More on that later.  Here’s the deal.  You’re body can deal with a lot of abuse.  You treat it well, you can push it more.  You eat more fruits and veggies, you can deal more with the less than optimal food, or lifestyle habits, extensive exercise, etc.

But if you don’t make some educated choices, that filter gets REAL SMELLY and the fish start floating.  Or you get sick.  Or you don’t sleep well.  Or you are always tired.  Or your performance is lower.  Or  you get a disease of some sort.

I’ll be putting together a class on detox.  How to make some changes so this becomes a way of life for you, without you really even thinking about it much.  (it’s all about the poohs!)  I can’t wait to show this to you.  But lets start HERE!

WATER WATER WATER.  Clean water.  Just plain water.  You can add lemon, lime, raspberries, etc.  First step in this lifestyle change is to ensure that you are drinking 8 glasses of water a day.

If you have that down … more fiber.  Next week I’ll send out fiber help.

Check out the smoothie recipes if you wanting to go a step further now.  The super green one is GREAT.


Til later.  Rock out!

Diet, Eating, Prevention

Nutritional Benefits of the Avocado

The avocado is a fruit (not a vegetable) originally found in the Central Mexico region, which ripens after it is picked. There are more than 500 of varieties of avocado and it has been cultivated for more than 10,000 years. It is also known as the alligator pear because of its scaly skin. The outside skin and the pit are inedible, despite millennia of efforts (I mean, they are edible, sort of like gravel is technically edible). Avocados were first introduced to the United States in 1871, when Judge R.B. Ord planted three trees in Santa Barbara, California.
Creamy Deliciousness & Nutritious!
While avocados have a high caloric count (one avocado is 320 calories), the various nutrients and “healthy” fats make it a must-eat. Some call the avocado the alphabet fruit because of all the vitamins it contains. One avocado provides your body with vitamins A, C, E, K and B6, along with an enormous amount of potassium and “healthy” fat. Perhaps the biggest health benefit of avocados is that by adding avocado to certain foods, you can improve your absorption of nutrients. This means that when you combine other fat burning foods with avocado, you can improve your nutrient absorption up to 400%! Avocados can also reduce the signs of aging, regulate blood sugar and improve eye health.
Good for the Heart
The fat content of an avocado provides protection against heart diseases. Studies have shown that oleic acid improves cardiovascular health. Oleic acid is the primary fatty acid in avocados. Many people now take supplements in order to consume more omega-3 fatty acids to lower their risk of heart disease. Avocados are rich in omega-3, delivering 160 milligrams per cup of alpha-linolenic acid.
Vegetarians and Vegans Rejoice – Protein!
Avocados provide all 18 essential amino acids necessary for the body to form a complete protein. Unlike the protein in steak, which is difficult for most people to digest, avocado protein is readily absorbed by the body because avocados also contain fiber. If you are trying to cut down on animal sources of protein in your diet, or if you are a vegetarian or vegan seeking more protein, avocados are a great nutritional ally to include not merely as an occasional treat, but as a regular part of your diet.
Logistics of your Avocado
Here a couple of choice items to chew over. Once an avocado is picked, it takes between 7 and 10 days to ripen. Keeping it in the refrigerator will slow down the ripening process, while putting it in a paper bag with a ripe apple will speed up the process. Avocados have the highest protein content of any fruit. The first Haas avocado tree is still alive and producing fruit. Brazilians add avocados to their ice cream and Indonesians make avocado shakes (see below).

Bet You Didn’t Know:

On average, 53.5 million pounds of guacamole are eaten every Super Bowl Sunday, enough to cover a football field more than 20 feet thick.


It’s time to start thinking of avocados as a regular diet supplement rather than a frisky Saturday treat. Get them into your daily diet in salads, on sandwiches or just plain. Start changing the way people view them and you will see more of them around.


Avocado_Kiley_DumasSimple is Best!   No fancy additions. No cilantro or tomatoes (or salsa!) or any of that nonsense – no Sir! – just plain avocado mashed up and eaten with some lovely blue corn chips. And that’s one of my recipes for you today.


Indonesian-style avocado shake

You Haven’t Done This Before:


Diet, Eating, Education

What is Weight Loss?

A balanced approach

I’ve been thinking a bit on why there are so many different kinds of diets.  And why so many of them don’t work.  One reason is because we look at weight loss as a separate event.  Like painting the house.  Instead of a part of our lives that is influenced by many aspects of our lives.  There are MANY factors that contribute to weight gain.  Not all of them are immediately under our control.  Granted our habits might have gotten us to a point where weight loss is hard but after cleaning things up, you just might have residue affects that you aren’t obviously aware of that are slowing you down.  Example.  Clogged up liver.  Eating a food you have no idea you are sensitive to.  Missing a couple of nutrients.

Another thought to throw your weigh.  Maybe there are so many weight loss programs because we just aren’t getting to the heart of the matter and these programs are a brute force way of losing weight.  Which in the end, doesn’t stick.  Doesn’t translate into lifestyle changes.  WHY?  Because they are sustainable.  So … should you lose weight in a manner that isn’t a healthy lifestyle change?  Short term gain for …. what?  Closet full of clothes of many sizes.

wellness-playbookSo what to do.  Well, we are all individuals.  Gloriously unique.  So our approach to weight loss will be unique.  Now, that’s not to say that their won’t have a similar foundation, but everyone will have different needs.  That sounds complicated, but actually, it’s not that hard.  Takes some patience.  Some investigation.  Some experimentation.

My Wellness Coaching Playbook, which can be tailored for your goal, is an awesome way to find your individualize plan.  You’ll learn the skills to find your own solution –> lifestyle changes.

Healthier Living

In the end, if you do your homework, you’ll find your lifestyle change.  If you just want a pill …. are you prepared to buy that pill, and others later, for the rest of your life?

Where’s the Playbook?  Let’s set up a chat.

Diet, Eating, Prevention

Parkinson’s – Your Diet can have a POSITIVE impact.

Here is some information I have put together from various sources and time spent doing research. The information is meant to give you food for thought. Ask your doctor. Do some research. I’m upset at the fact that of all of the people I know with Parkinson’s, their MD’s are telling them that their diet can have an impact. Some of this information isn’t in layman’s terms, so bear with it. Use it as a bouncing off point to go learn more yourself. Information is POWER.


(NaturalNews) Parkinson’s disease is the second most common degenerative disorder of the central nervous system after Alzheimer’s disease. It is estimated that 1% of individuals over the age of 65 are diagnosed with this disorder. Lifestyle can have an impact on Parkinson’s disease.

(bonnie) CHECK THIS OUT:
In general, it is agreed that it is one of the most common neurological diseases affecting adults over the age of 65. Diagnoses of the Disease in adults between the ages of 40 and 65 has increased in the past few decades, though as yet there is no attributable cause. Because of its relatively slow progress, a person diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease may live another 40-50 years, with increasing disability.

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  • One person in every 200 will be diagnosed with the Disease in their lifetime.
  • One out of every 100 people over 60 in the United States will be diagnosed with the Disease.
  • There are over 50,000 new diagnosed cases of the disease in the United States every year.


(NaturalNews) Parkinson’s particularly affects a region of the basal ganglia called the substantia nigra. The basal ganglia are a group of brain structures that utilize dopamine as their primary neurotransmitter. Neuronal loss in these regions is associated with brain cell inflammation and the formation of cross-linked proteins called Lewy bodies in the remaining nerve cells. Lewy bodies are protein aggregates that form and block normal cellular activity.

The most common symptoms of Parkinson’s include movement related disorders such as shaking, rigidity, difficulty walking and slowness of movement. As the disease progresses, it leads to cognitive and behavioral problems such as dementia, insomnia and irritability.

Type II Diabetes Dramatically Increases Parkinson Disease Risk

Researchers in Finland have found that individuals with type II diabetes have an 83% greater risk of developing Parkinson’s. Elevated blood sugar is known to link with protein structures in a process called glycation. This reaction of reducing sugars connecting to amino acids creates advanced glycolytic enzymes (AGE’s). AGE’s are especially dangerous and create massive amounts of free radicals.

AGE damage in the basal ganglia region is associated with Lewy body formation. These structures are created and aggregate in the basal ganglia due to excessive oxidative stress within the sensitive neuronal tissues. Oxidative stress in the brain is most commonly associated with blood sugar imbalances and environmental toxins (such as heavy metals and organic toxins like pesticides and herbicides).

British studies have linked users of conventional herbicide weed killers and pesticide fly killers to be almost twice as likely to form Parkinson’s disease. Many of these products kill weeds and bugs by affecting protein chemistry within the organism. This seems to clearly have deleterious effects on humans as well. The greatest potential sources of exposure include crop spraying, weed killers, pesticides and insecticides used in the garden, and fly sprays and ant powders used in the home.

The key to preventing and reversing Parkinson’s disease is to begin with an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle. This includes lots of clean water and phytonutrient rich raw and lightly cooked vegetables. Good fats such as avocados, olive oil, nuts/seeds and coconut products should be strongly encouraged. Healthy animal products such as grass-fed beef, bison, lamb, antelope, deer and free-range chicken, turkey and eggs are also good sources.

Sugar and food sources that metabolize into sugar such as grains and fruits should be used minimally. Anti-inflammatory herbs such as turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, garlic, and rosemary among others should be used at every possible chance.

High quality omega-3 fatty acids with astaxanthin are especially important for stabilizing neuronal cell membranes. Astaxanthin has very strong anti-oxidant effects that are especially good at protecting against lipid peroxidation, which damages cell membranes.

It is very important for individuals, who are suffering from Parkinson’s or are susceptible to the disease, to boost intracellular glutathione levels. Glutathione (GSH) is a very special peptide molecule that provides the greatest anti-oxidant protection and recharges other anti-oxidants within the body. Non-denatured, grass-fed whey protein is the best natural food source for glutathione precursors such as cysteine and glutamic acid.

And it comes full circle. Check out my article on GLUTATHIONE. Check out JUICE PLUS. So many key antioxidants and power ingredients that each and every cell needs to function and protect itself. Make a positive impact. Right now!

More to come on this topic!

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