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Athlete, Diet, Education, Recipes, Smoothies
- Change up the ingredients.
- Using different fruits and vegetables will help you get an even amount of nutrients and health benefits from the varying components.
- Fresh is always best
- The fresher the juice and ingredients you use in your smoothie, the better the flavor and nutrition. Use organic ingredients in your smoothie whenever possible, not only to increase nutrition and avoid pesticides, but also for better taste.
- Healthy Tea Time
- Use a healthy tea instead of water, milk, or juice as the base of your smoothie to boost the nutrition.
- Smoothie Sweetness
- Using dates is a great way to sweeten your smoothie. Remove the pits and soak them overnight or for at least an hour before blending. If using a sweetener, stick to the good ones. Honey, maple syrup, and stevia are excellent choices. In the winter you might find your fruits are not as sweet as you’d like, causing your smoothies to not taste the best ever. Try using fruit juice as the base of your smoothie instead of water.
- Juice it up
- Juice your own fruits and vegetables for use as the base of your smoothie. Nothing is fresher, tastier, or healthier.
- Add in some Kefir magic
- Milk and young (Thai) coconut water kefir deliver a probiotic punch while improving digestion and nutrient assimilation.
- Spice it up
- Various spices enhance both flavor and nutrition. Play with them and perfect the taste. Cinnamon, cayenne pepper, ginger, and nutmeg, are a few good options.
- Protein Power
- A good protein can go along way, especially for guys looking to put on muscle. Make sure you’ve got a good source, Juice Plus Compete is what I use. For more information, check out Juice Plus Complete.
- Healthy Fats
- A good fat like coconut, flax, or hemp oil, an avocado, or cream will keep you satiated and full of energy for hours, and put the smooth in smoothie.
- Get Salty
- Adding a high quality salt to your smoothie not only provides much needed minerals, but also enhances the taste. Celtic Sea salt, Himalayan Pink salt, and Redmond salt are excellent options.

- Superfoods
- Experiment and try different superfoods to really boost the nutrition of your smoothie. Maca, cacao, goji berries, bee pollen, aloe vera, coconut oil, hemp seeds/protein, spirulina, and acai are great to start with.
- Seed it
- Flax, hemp, and chia seeds are perfect for boosting the nutrition of your smoothies.
- Herbalicious
- Adding Chinese herb powders like Ginseng, Astragalus and Rhodiola is a great way to increase the medicinal properties of your smoothie.
- Turn up the Base
- Don’t skimp on the base of your smoothie. Use high quality water (filtered or spring water), almond, coconut, or raw milk, or fresh juice. One of my favorite bases is water from a young (Thai) coconut, which provides sweetness and a bevy of electrolytes.
- Have Fun!
- Get everyone involved in making smoothies – your friends, family, children – and have fun! Note, if you dance while making your smoothie it will turn out much better 🙂