I paused before I freaked out

I want to start out with an admission. I’m high strung. And busy. And driven. So one of my biggest triggers is when my to-do gets affected without my permission. Hahaha. Let’s all take a good laugh at that one!

I’ve been working for years, meditating and cleaning up my less that optimal lifestyle habits to help myself be more “even keel”. I want to be the best mom ever. This “even keel” thing is part of let. Cause let’s face it, I didn’t hatch June Cleaver.

I want to be super patient and chill as a parent (person).

So one this particular day, I had a lot on my plate. A lot of it was extra tasks not of my choosing. I was getting a lot done. Then BAM. I open the dryer to see what was left of a 10 Pack of Hubba Bubba. You all know what I’m talking about! Holy Mother of Destruction I had never seen anything so … O M G.

I did get every irritated. But instead of blowing a gasket and yelling, I paused. Then I giggled to myself “figures”. Ever find yourself at that fork in the road?

Meditation, breathing exercises, yoga, mantra, journaling …. all examples of practices that strengthen our mind.

Mantra, the repeated saying (or chanting) of something really helps. In fact mantra means “mind protector”. There are more and more studies that are showing that these types of activities are greatly helping people. The-wire their brains, change behaviors, positively impact heart rate and blood pressure, you name it! How? Well, because you thoughts really matter. Your thoughts influence your brain hardwiring which in turn impacts your body.

Awesome. Mind boggling. Overwhelming. Lost?

Let me make it simple for you. Because it is.

Practicing mantra can greatly influence your life in a positive way. And it can be easy peasy.

For instance:

  1. Sitting, and breathing. With the inhale say out loud or in your head “I inhale greatness/love/awesomeness”. And as you exhale say “I release tension” or “I am love” or “I give myself to you (God, universe…)”. Over and over for 5 minutes.
  2. For swimmers. With your stroke chant “I’m long and I’m strong”. For runners “I am strong, I do not quit.”
  3. As you take a walk outside, feel your feet as you walk. The bottoms of your feet. With each foot impact say “Today is awesome. Today I am just fine”.
  4. Sit for 5 and repeat your favorite hymn or scripture.

The power comes in the reverence that you do it. Say it with feeling. Even if you are saying it in your head. With much feeling. When you get distracted, and you will, just refocus and begin again. With practice you get better at it. Stronger in mind and emotion.

So when you don’t blow up at the small person. You pause, you don’t destroy the space created to allow said little person to learn as well. To display his acknowledge of the situation and practice being a super great person.

He gave me the best sticky ever. And that candy tastes real good. I would have missed out had I not paused.
