Living my faith and training for a marathon

Heart Health Nugget

Your boss has thrown a curve ball at you. It’s really hit home, just might impact your time with your family, your todo list, your life rhythm. Perhaps you start worrying about it.

Random thoughts clog up your mind. Affect your sleep, day to day concentration, maybe that’s all you talk about with your husband. Maybe you can do something about it, maybe you can’t, maybe you should take action, maybe you should be patient.

Having a clear mind and heart, listening to your internal wisdom is hard to do when we are worrying, obsessing … not living by faith. Which is a muscle we need to develop and strength. Here is a practice that can help develop that strength, so when you really need it, it works well. Automatically.

When those random (or not so random) thoughts of worry travel thought your thoughts, simple turn your internal gaze to:

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  • repeating a short fav scripture. With reverence.
  • focus ALL your attention on three breaths, with each exhale being a bit longer, out your mouth, releasing stress. With reverence.
  • put your hand to your heart and feel your heart beat for 10 seconds. With reverence.
  • gaze at a tree for 10 seconds, seeing the roots that provide a strong foundation. With reverence.


Practice this with the little things. Build strength of faith. That all will be well, your answers will come as they should. The help you need will be there!


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