Lose yourself or harness your true power

What do you do when life really throws one at you?

We could ….  crumbled to a heap.  Melt.

We could ….  get all mad and angry.

We could …. become cold and empty.

We could ….. Get all high and mighty.

All of these and more.

Those things that we are really attached to can be hard to apply the cliques.   Your child gets really sick.  You get laid off when it’s really bad timing.  You’re husband leaves you for another.  These things can really pack a punch.

Make you breathless.  Make your heart bleed tears.

Can we live the joy as much as we live the pain?
Can we love the pain as much as the joy?

To learn to be close to the intense pain and still be able to breathe is a skill.  To not run and hide, to breathe through it.

To cry out for help, to let that person share your pain, carry your burden for a bit.

To travel through the most intense part, knowing that it ebbs and flows.

To be open to hearing the wisdom when it does ebb.  To see the way forward.

To be brave enough.  Strong enough to go forward.

To know that you are strong enough, good enough to reach peace again.


…isn’t just about the roses. It’s about the thorns too. We must learn, experience, reach, love, let go, reach for help, listen and breathe.

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