Do you struggle with feeling calm, cool and collected? Do you struggle with anxiety, depression or other mental health aspects? Are you a veteran or other person that has served your community and country, has dealt with things and now struggle for health and well being? Have you thought about suicide?
Retired police / artist Jim Russell and myself, BK, have been in places that are dark and scary. Lonely. We have dealt with depression, suicidal thoughts and other mental things that have gotten in our way of feeling ….
Safe. Happy. Content. Well adjusted.
This podcast is about being vulnerable and speaking your truth. Shining light on our soft and weaker spots. This podcast is about being real with those around you. Being present. Giving our time and energy to those around us that need help.
We think about depression, anxiety and suicide thoughts as if someone has a broken leg. We wouldn’t expect them to walk themselves to the hospital for treatment. As is with some of the mental health issues, we need to be more proactive and nurturing to those struggling with some of these things. We need to be present and listen. We need to give of our time and energy to see, acknowledge and help when needed. We can’t continue to wait for those that struggle to ask for help.
For those struggling with these topics, we see you, hear you. This podcast is meant to inspire you to pause and look around. See the help that in front of you. Reach for it and don’t let go.
Keep up the good fight. You are not alone.
- (0:10) Introduction to Jim Russell, Retired Police / Artist
- (1:00) Introduction to the GY6 Rescue
- (4:00) Goal Orientated Approach to FEEL BETTER, mindful and aware of labels
- (6:44) As a Deputy Chief being diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder
- (15:48) Shared diagnosis to boss and received the perfect response
- (36:57) Cautious with labels as they can take possibilities away
- (37:35) BK’s swim story, PTSD, miracles and pixie dust
- (43:18) All neurotic behavior stems from suffering
- (52:12) How some life/occupational experiences have a big and negative impact on our peace and well being
- (57:12) PTSD can come from small things, accumulative PTSD, life events
- (1:01:42) If you feel like something is off, there are people that can help you. Now. You don’t need a label / diagnosis.

Jim Russell is a local Tallahassee artist who has been involved in art for most of his life. He began his formal education at FSU in 1988 as a fine arts major, diverting to criminology and spending a 25 year career in law enforcement at Florida State University. Retiring in 2018, Jim has since devoted his time with his first love, painting, and in the last 2 years has completed hundreds of works of art as a working artist. He paints mostly in oil and subject matters include realism, impressionism, and surrealism. He is currently painting a series centering on sea life. Jim is married to Connie Russell with an 12 year old son, Grayson, who is a developing artist himself. Jim advocates for mental health and drunk driving awareness, and he is an avid cyclist. His art can be seen at his Tallahassee gallery and at jimrussellart.com.