I’ll tell you in the beginning, perhaps to give you the motivation to try it. Why it works. When we are super busy, our to-do list gets LONG. And we get in a frenzy and just the mere fact that the list is long and never ending makes us…perhaps a bit constricted. Ask yourself, does your to-do list make you smile or make you frown.
We can lose the clarity to know what we really need to focus on, the ability to let the not so vital things go, or delegate. It’s ok, if somethings aren’t done perfectly and all that. Perhaps we over commit because we aren’t in a great space. Trying to prove something, pushing so hard for a certain end result. And the story can go on and on.
Well, lets shift thinking for just a second. Take a deep breath, hold and FULLY exhale.
What does slowing down do for us. It gives us the time and space to center ourselves. To get to what powers us. Prayer or meditation. A walk or run. Whatever gets you to that space. Exercise it. Think of it like a muscle. Strengthen it. Feed it. Watch it grow. Feel its power.
And step back, after your “slow down time”, to see how things work a TON better, like they’ve been greased and oiled. And you totally feel better.
So here is the practice.
- Sit comfortable. Shake out your hands. Like flinging water off the fingertips. Bring your awareness to your breath. Place energized hands in your lap, palms up. Focus on the hands, how they feel, find your pulse in your fingertips.
- Nice deep breathing. Not forced.
- Imagine a light at the core of your being. As you inhale, let the light be brighter, exhaling a bit dimmer.
- Let this energy fill the chest and shoulders. Down to your hands.
- Focus on the hands. How they feel, the air, temperature…With relaxed arms and shoulders, lift the hands into the air.
- Move SLOWLY. VERY SLOWLY, almost like you can’t see it. Feel the air moving over your hands. Can you feel as if the hands are moving by themselves?
- Turn palms towards each other. As the hands come together, pulse them slowly. Can you feel the energy between your hands, as if you are holding a ball of energy.
- For a minute or two or three, let your hands move naturally. Notice the smallest sensations. At some point, let the hands come to the body, naturally, organically, perhaps a place needing healing, love.
- Naturally let the hands come to the lap. Sit in silence for a minute or two.
First time might be uncomfortable. Second, third, fourth. But maybe give it a week, learn the habit, and perhaps find some fantastic juiciness in there!
If you try it, love to hear what you think.