Taking care of a needy hamstring

Oh man!!! Who hasn’t struggled with a hamstring issue that just doesn’t go away. A lot of the time it’s a core and/or hip imbalance issue. And once you have the issue. It stays. There are very important reasons why this is the case and once you understand them, you can get that hamstring healed up, permanently. Check out the following video for one example of how things go sideways, stay sideways … but once you understand you can get at healing things up.

  • When you are doing “things”, avoid the pain sensation at the attachment point as much as you can. If not completely. When you are stretching, pay attention to stretching the “belly” of the muscle, not going into the stretch like you only have 2 minutes to stretch and move the stretch straight to the injured spot. Want more info on this .. check out this video!
  • Use the foam rolling ball (6in) to get to the different hamstrings (and the back!!!). You can purchase on amazon here! AND check out this video on how to use the ball. So much this ball does!!!
  • Understand that you will need to hold stretches longer. Fascia tissue holds all the soft tissue together, along with the bones. This tissue takes a lot longer to hold. So easier and longer is better when thinking about the hamstrings. Check out this video!
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