Triathlon Ironman Lady Part Issues

Hidradenitis suppurativa: Read more

  1. Skin predisposed to bacteria overgrowth
  2. Gut health off – leading to bacteria overgrowth
  3. Immune off – leading to bacteria overgrowth
  4. Skin sensitivities to certain materials
  5. Hormonal issues that can lead to bacteria overgrowth

What to do about it

  1. Garlic Pills
  2. Exfoliate. Scrub brush, Burts Bees Tomoato blend
  3. Tomato roll on
  4. Shaving
  5. Tea Tree oil / lavendar oil
  6. Wipes
  7. no under
  8. Bike shorts that don’t bug you as much, very individualized.
  9. Some times you can get “them” pop open, sometimes you will make it worse


Saddle Sores. Lube. Good shorts / pants

Health – what you sweat out matters. Dont eat crap, you won’t sweat out crap. Just saying.

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